Pro Tips: 5 Pins for Hunting

Pro Tips: 5 Pins for Hunting

When it comes to hunting I swear by a multi pin sight. I run a 5-pin TEK Hybrid sight so I can use my bottom pin as a floater out to longer distances. In the whitetail woods I rarely shoot over 40 yards but having that option to go to 60 yards without having to move anything eases my mind. Never knowing what the deer will do or even elk or any animal you can be hunting especially in the rut, 10-30 seconds can be crucial and either mean harvesting that animal or watching him walk away.

Growing up in an archery shop it has been an ongoing debate between multi or single pin. My dad as long as I can remember always used a single pin, that is, until he had a buck go from 20 to 50 yards a matter of seconds. From that day on he's used a 5 pin sight to make sure that never happens again. Which is what i strongly stress to all of our customers who shoot over 30 yards in the woods.

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